Every 10 years, the US Census Bureau conducts a Census to count the number of people living in the United States.
Who is Counted?
Every family member, including children need to be counted. Census forms are to be filled out by household.
How to fill out a Census 2020 form
For the first time, Census will be able to filled online which will also be available. An ID for the census will be mailed out to your house and that will provide login information. There will also be an option to respond by phone or traditional mail.
Language Help:
The online form will be available in 12 different languages.
Paper form is in English and Spanish Only.
Why is this important to the State of Michigan?
Michigan loses about $1,800 in federal funding per person that is not counted. The programs included in this are Medicaid, nutrition assistance, highway construction, planning, Foster Care and Child Care grants.
Less people reported equals less power to Michigan in congress.
Minorities and children have always been under reported by a huge margin.
It is important to educate, engage, and empower in the 2020 Census so that Michigan can get everyone counted.
2020 Census and Confidentiality
Your responses to the 2020 are safe, secure, and protected by federal law. Your answers cannot be used against you in any way. By law, all responses to the U.S. Census Bureau are completely confidential.