Because we serve 500,000+ older adults...
We support policies that promote an individual’s ability to live in one’s own home and community safely, independently, and comfortably, regardless of age, income or ability level. WHY • 9 of 10 adults 65+ plan to stay in their homes as long as they possibly can. • At least 70% of people over 65 will require some amount of long-term care with 40% needing care in a nursing home. • Michigan invests $426 million annually in home and community based services, compared with $1.54 billion for nursing home care. WE ADVOCATE FOR POLICIES THAT: Promote an individual’s ability to live in the COMMUNITY SETTING OF THEIR CHOICE that maximizes their independence and dignity, regardless of age, income or ability. Promote increased TRANSPORTATION AND MOBILITY OPTIONS in order to reduce reliance on transportation by personal car. Increase availability of SAFE, AFFORDABLE, AND ACCESSIBLE HOUSING. Increase critical INVESTMENTS IN AGING AND DISABILITY PROGRAMS to support the independence of older adults and adults with disabilities in the community. Encourage and strengthen involvement of and SUPPORT FOR FAMILY AND FRIEND CAREGIVERS. Ensure the sustainability and quality of these services through the DEDICATION OF LOCAL COMMUNITY RESOURCES through the passage of senior millages. |
DISEASE PREVENTION & HEALTHY AGINGWe support policies and programs that help older adults live healthier lives and address social isolation and other mental health issues.
WHY • 80% of older persons have at least one chronic condition or disease, accounting for 75% of all annual healthcare spending. • Current healthcare treatment focuses on responding to crisis, not prevention. • Nationally, depression affects over 3 million senior citizens, yet older adults’ depression is often misdiagnosed, untreated or assumed to be a normal part of aging. • According to the Center for Disease Control, older adults with one or more chronic illnesses are at a higher risk of suffering from depression. WE ADVOCATE FOR POLICIES THAT: Recognize the importance of ASSESSMENT, TREATMENT AND CARE RELATED TO ALZHEIMER’S, DEMENTIA and other memory loss illnesses. Improve the health of older adults and individuals with disabilities in SE Michigan through the DISTRIBUTION OF INFORMATION AND RESOURCES ABOUT HEALTHY AGING. Provide resources for HEALTH PROMOTION AND CHRONIC DISEASE SELF-MANAGEMENT. Raise AWARENESS OF MENTAL HEALTH DISORDERS AFFECTING OLDER ADULTS. Increase the AVAILABILITY OF TREATMENT and work to ELIMINATE THE STIGMA of mental illness and treatment. |
We support policies and programs that ensure an individual’s right to age securely - free from the threat of physical or financial abuse and with sufficient resources to meet their basic needs. WHY • In 2010 , there were nearly 19,000 cases of abuse, neglect and exploitation reported to the Michigan Department of Human Services. • Nationally, elder financial abuse accounts for nearly 21% of the allegations of mistreatment investigated by Adult Protective Services. • Cost of chronic health conditions can exacerbate financial difficulties. WE ADVOCATE FOR POLICIES THAT: Prevent physical, psychological, and financial abuse by PROMOTING ABUSE PREVENTION in partnership with caregivers, healthcare and financial institutions and the community. Promote ECONOMIC SECURITY through financial literacy and increasing access to public and private benefits and services. |